Are your people safe at work?
Frontline worker safety with a spotlight on customer aggression and critical incidents
This on-demand webinar will cover:
The impact: insights and consequences of customer aggression on employee wellbeing
Post-incident support: effective frameworks to assist employees after incidents
Proactive measures: preventative strategies to foster a safe and supportive workplace
This on-demand safety webinar shines a spotlight on the persistent issue of customer aggression and critical incidents. Learn strategies to enhance frontline worker safety and support systems for your employees.
Expert panel

Jamie is a Commando-trained military officer who served for 20 years in the UK Armed Forces and Australian Defence Force as an embedded doctor and operational Commander. He is a practicing physician working in emergency medicine.

Safety issues are on the rise
Our data shows a 54 per cent increase in the percentage of safety-related critical incidents, as well as an 80 per cent increase in the percentage of police incidents.
Our evidence sources include:
10,000+ active member support cases;
10,000+ safety-monitoring cases; and
Sonder’s Voice of Member survey

Measure the impact of customer hostility and workplace
We invite you to use our interactive calculator to determine the impact of customer aggression in your organisation.