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What's the return on investment of an early intervention platform?

Building the business case for early intervention and proactive, preventative approach starts with quantifying its value. Estimate the value that Sonder could bring to your company’s bottom line, based on recent member and customer data.

What's the return on investment of an
early intervention platform?


Building the business case for early intervention and proactive, preventative approach starts with quantifying its value. Estimate the value that Sonder could bring to your company’s bottom line, based on recent member and customer data.


Build your business case for early intervention 

Companies that turn employee health, safety and wellbeing into a strategic growth driver are making the shift from reactive to preventative support. Your results estimate the ROI in the first year of implementing Sonder. How are results calculated? ↓

  • Address poor sleep habits before they become a workplace accident

  • Treat anxiety before it becomes unplanned time off

  • Answer a healthcare question before it becomes a compensation claim

  • Provide stress management support before it turns into burnout

  • Protect night shift workers before they get caught in a critical incident

When you intervene earlier, you can drive measurable growth outcomes

Customer results from implementing Sonder

Typical reduction in churn
Reduction in absenteeism
More manager time saved
Increase in productivity

 "No disrespect to our prior EAP providers, but they aren't in the 21st century." 

- Kate Mayers, WHS Manager - People & Culture | Best & Less

Want to learn more?

Frequently asked questions 

How did we calculate the turnover savings estimate?

On average, our customer data shows that once implementing Sonder, turnover drops by 24%.

We can then calculate the turnover savings with this formula: Cost to replace an employee1 x Avoided employee churn2 x Sonder average activation rate

1 We estimate that the cost to off-board an employee and then advertise for, hire, on-board a new employee, along with the lost-productivity as a result of the vacancy, is equal to 50% of the employee's annual wage.

Calculated as: Annual wage x 50%
(Annual wage = hourly rate x 1732.5)

2 Avoided employee churn = (number of employee x current turnover) - (number of employee x current turnover x (1 - Sonder's impact)).

How did we calculate the reduced annual costs attributed to absenteeism?

On average, our customer data shows that after implementing Sonder, absenteeism drops by 12.5%.

We calculated the reduced annual cost using this formula: Number of employees x Sonder average activation rate x Average annual wage x Sonder's impact on absenteeism reduction x impact factor1.

1 The impact factor relates to the ripple effect a staff member creates when absent. An employee's unplanned absence impacts more than just the role of the absent staff member.  For example, the absence may create additional administration for their manager, additional workload for co-workers, delay projects and more. 

How did we calculate manager time saved?

Our customer data shows that, on average, after implementing Sonder, the time spent by managers supporting workers wellbeing and managing safety concerns drops by 10%. 

The related savings can be calculated by: Number of managers x Average annual wage for managers x % management time spent addressing staff issues per year x Sonder average activation rate x Sonder's impact on manager time spent addressing staff issues.

How does Sonder collect this data?

Sonder collects customer data through surveys and app usage to benchmark and identify trends.

Sonder uses anonymised data for research and platform improvement purposes.

Will my savings and performance be different from the averages you show?
The averages we provide are a helpful starting point, but your company's results will likely vary based on several factors. With more information about your organisation and objectives, we can provide more accurate estimates.
How can organisations get the most out of Sonder?
Sonder offers comprehensive support to ensure you get the most out of your investment. Our dedicated Customer Success team personalises your launch, provides continuous support, and offers a wealth of resources to maximise app usage and enhance employee wellbeing. Additionally, we conduct data-driven Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) to seamlessly integrate Sonder into your wellbeing strategy and ensure it continues to deliver significant value.
Why does Sonder get higher engagement and usage?

Sonder offers a wider range of support than traditional EAPs, including medical, safety and mental health services.

While EAPs often focus on reactive solutions after problems arise, Sonder emphasises proactive wellbeing with a user-friendly app and 24/7 support available. This allows employees to address concerns early, preventing issues from escalating and impacting performance.

Can I have both my EAP and Sonder?

Yes, you don't have to replace your EAP to implement Sonder. Many of our customers have continued with their existing EAP service while transitioning to Sonder as their complete employee care platform.

We will work with you to help ensure a smooth transition and clear communications with your workforce - as we have done with many of our customers to date.

How much does lost productivity cost your organisation?

The ripple effect: The hidden cost of lost productivity due to poor employee wellbeing.

Ripple-effect-iPad_large (1)

One platform.
All the support.

Find out what's going on with your people, make a real difference to their health and safety, and demonstrate the business impact of your wellbeing efforts once and for all.

Care in your hands

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Waterloo NSW 2017

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